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Dinner October 11,  2001:  Back to Basics: Building Blocks for Success

Technology Entrepreneurs Exchange ("Texchange") cordially invites you to its Dinner and Round-Table Discussion.

6:30 p.m. Cocktails (open, cash bar)
7:15 p.m. Dinner and Round-Table Discussion
8:30 pm. Panel, Open Discussion


The Houstonian�The Juniper Room
111 N. Post Oak Lane, 713.680.2626

Open to Members, their guests, and Non-Members

Special Guest Panelists (biographies below) include:

Steve Shaper, Former CEO of TeleCheck International, Inc. and currently Principal with Convergent Investors

Billy Ladin, Founder of PDQ.Net and currently President of Houston Entrepreneur�s Foundation

Bill Nash, President of Holland & Davis, Inc.

Dinner is fixed menu, dessert included. Cash Bar available. Advance reservations only. First come-First served. Please make your reservation early as space is limited.  Reservations are non-cancelable, non-refundable.


Steve Shaper

joined Convergent Investors after serving as Chief Executive Officer of TeleCheck Services, Inc., a $420 million check guarantee and verification company based in Houston.

 Steve was on the original Board of Directors of Payment Services Company, the Houston TeleCheck franchise which grew to be the largest franchise and eventually took over management of the entire TeleCheck system. Steve joined Payment Services full-time in 1987 as Senior Vice President of Marketing and has seen it grow from $14 million to its present size in thirteen years. Prior to TeleCheck, Steve owned or was a partner in more than 30 manufacturing, distribution, and importing companies during his business career.

He currently is a board member of Associated Building Services, CDP Corporation, General Investment and Trust, Middlemarch Capital Corporation, SureFire Commerce and Teravicta Technologies. He is very active in church and community work and recently completed a term on the Rice University Board of Governors.

 Billy Ladin

 Is President of Houston Entrepreneurs Foundation after merging PDQ.net, which Billy Ladin founded and built into the largest Houston-based Internet Service Provider, into Internet America in November of 1999.   Mr. Ladin is an investor, mentor and advisor for high tech startups in Houston and a principal force in Houston-based high tech community growth activities.  He is a founding board member of the Houston Area Technology Advisory Council and serves as a member of the advisory board of the Houston Technology Center.

Mr. Ladin has been a successful serial entrepreneur during the past 40 years. Beginning in the 1960�s, he co-founded Lifemark, and in 1972, he founded MobilCom, which was sold to Bell South in 1988. In addition, Mr. Ladin was instrumental in the development of Houston Cellular and SkyTel Paging.  In 1975, he started Westside Tennis Club, and built it into a 54-court world-class tennis facility.  In 1977, he founded ComputerCraft, a chain of 65 microcomputer retail stores, which merged with BusinessLand in 1988.

Bill Nash

Is President of Holland & Davis, Inc. (HDI), based in Houston, Texas. Bill has been an executive advisor and management consultant for over 20 years working with both public and private sector organizations in the areas of strategy development and implementation, operational
improvement, organizational development and change management. 

His clients represent a variety of industries and have ranged from small, technology start ups to large international companies, such as Bell Helicopter, Compaq Computer Corporation, HCA/Columbia Healthcare, Johnson Space Center (NASA), Marathon Oil, Rockwell International, Rohm & Haas Texas, Texaco, Union Carbide Corporation, and Valero Energy Corporation.

Open to Members, their guests, and Non-Members
Register online here!

Suggested Reading:

Spin Selling, by Neil Rackham

Fortune Magazine, September 3rd issue, �Smart Mover, Dumb Mover� by renowned strategist Gary Hamel





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