Home: Activities:
Past Events:
Networking Dinner 11.29.00
A Dose of Reality:
What Venture Investors Are Seeking Today
(Online registration is now closed.)
Special Guest Panelists:
John Ireland, President/CEO of Downstreamenergy.com
John Lee, President & CEO of Novoforum
Ike Epley, co-founder of eNersection,
now part of Wellogix, Inc.
Dennis E. Murphree, Managing General Partner of Murphree Venture
Peter T. Shaper, Co-CEO & Founder
of Genesis Park
Eduardo Krumholz, Partner at
TechQuest Capital Partners
Suggested Reading:
New and Improved Economy:
How the Correction in Technology Equities Happened, and
What It Means for the Future
Red Herring
July 2000
Tech Boom Again? Have We Hit Bottom?
Vol. 142, No. 13
November 27, 2000
What Have We Learned?
Vol. 142, No. 10
October 30, 2000
Wednesday, November 29, 2000
6:30 p.m. Cocktails (open bar)
7:15 p.m. Dinner and Round-Table Discussion
8:30 pm. Panel, Open Discussion
The Houstonian�The Aspen Room
111 N. Post Oak Lane, 713.680.2626
Dinner is $55.00 for accepted and paid Members and $65.00 for
non-Members�fixed price dinner. Advance reservations only. First
come-First served. Space is limited. Please makre your reservation
by November 24, 2000. Reservations are non-cancelable, non-refundable.