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June 19, 2002 Networking Dinner:

"Top Five Lessons Learned in a Startup 2001-2002"


Click here to download notes from the June Meeting.


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The Technology Entrepreneurs Exchange ("Texchange") cordially invites you to its Austin Technology Entrepreneurs� Dinner and Round-Table Discussion.


6:00 p.m. Cocktails (cash bar) with our Special Guests

6:45 p.m. Dinner and Round-Table Discussion

8:00 p.m. Q&A/Open Discussion


Sponsored by Vinson & Elkins



Austin Country Club

4408 Long Champ Drive

Austin, TX 78746



John Boyd - Director, TL Ventures
Clint Bybee - Managing Director, ARCH Venture Partners
Robin Curle - CEO, Zebra Imaging
Mike Turner - CEO, Waveset

Discussion Leaders


Alex Broeker, Trellis Ventures
Jay Campion, Access Venture Partners 
Rob Carruthers, StarTech Early Ventures
Steve Coffey, Hunt Ventures
Deborah Dahlke - CEO, Lightling
Tommy Deavenport, Austin Ventures
Kim Evans - CEO, Blom Wireless
Ward Greenwood, First Capital Group
Newt Hamlin - former CEO, MD Productivity
Kay Hammer - CEO, Evolutionary Technologies
Laura Kilcrease, Triton Ventures
David Lee, Sentient Ventures
Bob Martin - CEO, JumpStart Revenue
Eric Mulloy, Professional Investor
Steve Odom - CEO, Cadena Solutions
Bill Parkhouse, Parcmaison Investments
Ben Rouse - CEO, Journee Software
Mike Salas - CEO, Layer N Networks
Brett Stewart - Founder and Former CEO, Wayport
Becky Taylor - Founder and President, Impart Technology
Steve Wagh, Professional Investor

Ellen Wood - CEO, VirtualCFO


Dinner fee is $30.00 for entrepreneur members, $45 for non-entrepreneur members and $60.00 for non-members. 

An entrepreneur is a president, CEO or founder of a company or any management personnel from a company that is not a standard service provider (attorney,

accountant, advertising, software development, web hosting, etc.). 


-Fixed menu, dinner, dessert included. Cash Bar available.

Online registration is now available! Click here to register!

You may also register by phone by calling: Bo Armstrong at 512.341.3705

Reservations require payment by credit card. Cancellations greater than three business days from the event will be honored and a credit towards the next Texchange dinner will be issued. Cancellations less than three business days from the event will be honored; however, no credits or refunds will be issued. Replacements will always be honored.

Texchange reservations are processed by 123Signup. As a result, charges on your credit card statement will be from 123Signup, not Texchange.


Suggested Reading:

We Don't Need No Stinking IPOs!

ClubFixit: Diary of a startup

Moving on from 2001

Plentiful Money Plus Inexperienced Managers Equals Dot.com Bombs

Learn this start-up lesson now: Get your goals in line with your passion, and you'll be on the true path to success.

Start Your Business Now � Despite the Recession

Deadly Sins




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