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Networking Dinner 03.28.01:
John Harris
is a co-founder of Integer 2.0, the Internet marketing division of
The Integer Group. John
takes his brand-building approach to interactive and sees the Internet
as �millions of relationships which are being formed and nourished
everyday.� With this philosophy, John has helped engineer Integer 2.0
into a full-service marketing communications division for companies
who are technology brands or have an internet-based business model. Integer 2.0 Clients include MyRepairShop (Houston), Qwest Communications,
eCollege, Coors, Proctor& Gamble, Corporate Express and Coke.
Prior to The
Integer Group, John was division director for Wundermann Cato Johnson,
in Dallas, and formerly a regional sports director for the same
agency. Previously,
John was special events coordinator for United Beverage Company
in Houston and Promotion Manager for KLOLFM.
Integer 2.0 Dinner Table attendees:
Dan Kelman, 1:1 Marketing Director
Robyn Abel, Account Director
Jeff Liebrock, Account Supervisor
Matt Versue, Senior Art Director