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[Houston] Start Up Marketing � Where to Start
10/10/2006 12:00 AM - 10/10/2006 12:00 AM
10/10/2006 - 10/10/2006
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Event Catagory:Events
Event Type:All Day
Time Zone:Greenwich Mean Time [GMT]
Location:Houstonian Hotel, 111 N. Post oak Ln., Houston

Texchange Houston presents:

Start�up Marketing � Where to Start?

Register now!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Time: 5:30 PM (cocktail hour/cash bar) 6:30 - 8:30 PM (dinner/forum)
Location: Houstonian Hotel, 111 N. Post Oak Ln - Map
Fees: Entrepreneur Members $35, Other Members $47.50,
Non-members $60
Late Registration (after October 6th) - Add $5
Walkup attendees (first come, first served) - $65
Speakers: Kathleen Harrington Clark

Register Online


With limited funds, and many competing priorities, how does a start-up company decide where to invest marketing dollars? �Marketing� includes many types of activities, and the ROI is often difficult to quantify, especially in the early days of a start-up. To be effective, a marketing strategy is first and foremost about the customer, their needs and how your product and services can meet their needs. A successful marketing plan understands the customer first, then seeks to convey the benefits that address their needs in a language they understand. The result is increased awareness of your company and solutions within your target market, and, through the implementation of an efficient �go-to-market plan�, the generation of qualified sales leads Our speaker this month is Kathleen Harrington Clark, who brings over 20 years of marketing experience with large technology companies as well as small start-ups. She will explore some of the critical decisions and challenges faced by emerging businesses � and possibly help answer the question � where to start?

About our Speaker:

Kathleen Harrington Clark has hands-experience in a broad range of marketing disciplines. In addition to spending eight years at Compaq in senior marketing and advertising roles, she was VP of Marketing at two start-ups, where she developed the customer model, identified market segmentation, and developed their brand strategy, logo, identity and positioning. She holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and currently has a marketing consulting practice in Houston, TX comprised of senior managers and executives with high tech consumer packaged goods experience.

Texchange Event Format:

Meetings start with refreshments and informal conversation followed by a sit-down dinner where attendees can become acquainted with others at their table. After the speaker's presentation, each table discusses a pre-set technology or entrepreneurial topic among themselves. Everyone is encouraged to share their viewpoints and, especially, share knowledge gained through their own unique experiences. Afterwards, there is a moderated "open table" discussion.

Table Leaders for This Event:

Michael Barone, Vice President, Anthony Barnum
Karen Blanchard, Account Manager, The Padgett Group
Troy Elmore, Managing Partner, E&F Consulting Group � Sandler Sales
Mike Eyre, Principal, Apollo Sales Group
Jeff Linder, President, JBMA, Inc.

This event is sponsored by:

Upcoming events:

Nov 14, 2006 Raising Capital in Houston � Survey results by Richard Scruggs, President Houston Angel Network; Co-founder Align Networks; and Director Mays Business School Center for New Ventures and Entrepreneurship.
Dec 12, 2006 Holiday Party at Farragos Restaurant

Houston Texchange Board of Directors:
Chairman: Manish Asthana, President, Verum Solutions
President: Paul Schatz, VP Sales and Marketing, INT Inc
Treasurer: Kala Marathi, Managing Director, Houston Angel Network
Secretary: Deborah Mansfield, Dir Life Sciences, Houston Technology Center
VP Communications: Brad Cyprus, Dir Operations, Vendor Safe Technologies
VP Membership: Reid Pennebaker, Financial Consultant, Mainspring Partners
Program Co-Chair: Leslie Butterfield PhD, SVP Sales and Marketing, Trelligence Inc.
Program Co-Chair: Carole Kernohan, VP Channels, Trelligence Inc
Joe Barber, President, Total Excellence Management Corp.
Richard Burgess, Dir Bus Dev Venture Services, Air Liquide America
Austin Goings, Manager, Schlumberger Information Solutions
Tom Rubenak, Manager, Forrester Research
Jeff Williams, Managing Director, Mainspring Partners
Ken Williams, Executive VP, Frost Bank

For more information about Texchange, visit our website at www.texchange.org
