Texchange attracts successful business leaders each month through its innovative forums. Members and attendees have the opportunity to develop relationships and explore new ideas in a relaxed environment which encourages creative thinking and problem-solving for today�s pressing business issues.
Each Texchange meeting begins with an hour of networking among its members and attendees for informal conversation and refreshments. A cash bar is provided and available throughout the evening.
Guest Speaker
Following the initial meet-and-greet, attendees are seated in small breakout table groups to listen to the guest speaker of the evening for a 30-minute talk. All speakers are experienced, successful business leaders who share real world stories from the front lines about a specific topic designated for that evening. Speakers are encouraged to tell the real story about their experiences and share strategies of how they overcame difficult situations, what they learned and how they grew from the experience. To learn about past guest speakers in your market, click here .
Topic Discussions
After the guest speaker presentation, dinner is served. Attendees discuss the evening�s topic in-depth around their table, providing an opportunity to truly get to know and build relationships with other members in a small setting. Attendees are encouraged to share their own viewpoints and, especially, to share knowledge gained through their own unique experiences. A table leader is present at each table who guides the group in their discussion and generates a little competition in the room by helping their group brainstorm the most compelling question to ask the guest speaker later.
Q & A
The last part of the evening is a 30-45 minute Q&A; over dessert in which each table asks their best question of the speaker. This is an opportunity for attendees to learn the real �story behind the story� and gather new knowledge to apply to their own businesses.