Charles F. May
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Name: Charles F. May
Company: C5 Partners
Texchange Board Title: Statewide Secretary and President of the Dallas / Fort Worth Chapter

Mr. May, Founder of C5 Partners, is an executive with over thirty years of experience in financial and business management. For sixteen years, he provided personal financial management services to high net worth individuals, consisting primarily of entrepreneurs, and including founders of many public companies. This activity led him into assisting many of his clients in the procurement of capital for their hyper-growth companies. Mr. May soon realized the need in the marketplace for consultants who did more than just �shop� a business plan. Over several years, he developed and perfected a proprietary strategy and process for identifying and securing all of the resources needed to survive and metabolize hyper-growth, including capital, and since 1989, Mr. May has assisted many clients through utilization of the �C5 Process�.

Mr. May is a Board Member and President of the Dallas Chapter of TexChange, and also serves as Secretary of the Statewide Board of TexChange. Mr. May serves on the Advisory Board of the Center for Information Technology and Management (CITM) in the School of Management at The University of Texas at Dallas. Mr. May holds a B.A. in Economics for the University of Dallas, and a M.S. in Financial Services from the American College.