Scott Wheeler
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Name: Scott Wheeler

Company: vcfo
Texchange Board Title: Assistant Treasurer


As Managing Director of the Dallas area for vcfo�, Scott Wheeler is responsible for managing the greater Dallas area operations of vcfo�, a company engaged in providing experienced finance and accounting support to companies on less than a full time basis.  As such, he is charged with providing the local vision, strategic impetus and client support for vcfo��s operations in the Dallas Metroplex. Scott brings more than 20 years of broad financial management expertise to vcfo�.


Since joining vcfo� in 2003, Mr. Wheeler has assisted clients in a variety of industries, including, high tech, software, telecom, medical-related, hospitality, media, entertainment, commercial real estate, manufacturing, distribution, professional services and more.  His clients have ranged from large multi-nationals to entrepreneurial start-ups and from hyper-growth success stories to turnaround situations.


Prior to vcfo�, Mr. Wheeler was an independent CFO/Consultant and upon joining the company, vcfo� welcomed Scott�s clients, Lingualcare, an orthodontic technology and services company and Dallas Draperies, a manufacturer serving the hospitality industry, where he served as part-time CFO for both firms.  Earlier in his career, Wheeler served as the CFO for Malibu Entertainment, a publicly-traded, location-based entertainment company with over twenty-five locations and 1,000 employees in 10 states under well-known brands such as SpeedZone, Malibu Grand Prix and Mountasia.  He also served as Vice President of Business Management for The Beltway Companies, a Dallas-based real estate development, management and investment company, as President of Beltway�s non-real estate Retail and Entertainment subsidiaries and also managed non-core investments, particularly oil & gas and tax advantaged investments.


In addition to his position as Managing Director - Dallas for vcfo� Mr. Wheeler served as the Mayor of Addison, Texas from 1999 to 2005 and currently serves on the Board of Directors for Compass Bank Dallas and TexChange and is a founding member of the Dallas Leadership Council.  Mr. Wheeler received a B.S. from Texas A&M; University - Commerce and holds an M.B.A. from Southern Methodist University.