About Texchange Austin
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The Austin Texchange chapter�s mission is to help these developing companies grow and prosper into technology powerhouses by offering interactive meeting opportunities among high level executives to discuss challenges, share ideas and develop new strategies.

Each Austin Texchange event features:

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Topic: Austin's Community of Entrepreneurs - Making the Biggest Impact Possible
Time: 6:00 PM (cocktail hour/cash bar) 6:45 - 8:30 PM (dinner/forum)
Location: Austin Country Club, 4408 Long Champ Drive, Austin, TX 78746

How the tech community amplifies results and makes a real difference where we live, work and play.

Bill Bock- CenterPoint Ventures

Philip Berber 
Mark McClain
Betty Otter-Nickerson

Discussion Leaders Include:
Nick Fox - Vinson & Elkins
Paul Hurdlow - DLA Piper
David Lee - Sentient Ventures
Matt Lyons - Andrews Kurth
Eugene Sepulveda - Entrepreneurs Foundation of Central Texas
Randi Shade - CharityGift/Kintera
Mike Turner - Waveset/Sun (former)
Ellen Woods - VCFO


Learn about Past Austin chapter speakers.

Become a member of the Texchange Austin chapter today. Join the Austin Texchange mailing list.

For information about the Texchange Chapter in Austin, please contact Kyle Fox, Chapter President, [email protected], 512-542-8539

* The Technology Entrepreneurs' Exchange is incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas and is a non-profit corporation. It is governed by a statewide Board of Directors and by a Board of Directors and Board of Advisors at the chapter level.