About Texchange DFW
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The DFW Texchange chapter�s mission is to bring together high-level entrepreneurs and leaders from DFW�s rich industry culture and help them achieve their goals and pave a path to success through unique events that are relevant to their current business needs.

Each DFW Texchange event offers:


Don�t miss the next DFW Texchange event to network with DFW�s industry leaders and entrepreneurs!

When: September 27, 2006; 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM Where: Maggiano's Northpark - 205 Northpark Center, Dallas, TX 75225
Topic: Venture Investing: Dinosaur or Caterpillar?
Featured Speaker: Jackie Kimzey
Discussion Leaders: TBA


Learn about past DFW chapter speakers.

Become a member of the Texchange DFW chapter today. Join the DFW Texchange mailing list.

For information please contact DFW Texchange.

* The Technology Entrepreneurs' Exchange is incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas and is a non-profit corporation. It is governed by a statewide Board of Directors and by a Board of Directors and Board of Advisors at the chapter level.